Yes, the climate too can take a holiday with us... Here, in one of the 30 or so hotels in the Vitalpina Group, which has always been focused on sustainability and a respectful approach to nature and its use of resources.
We don't just call ourselves “eco hotels in South Tyrol”, it’s what we are – because all Vitalpina hosts are genuinely committed to looking after our wonderful natural environment and treating it well, thus ensuring a future fit for our grandchildren and for generations to come.
While, for the Vitalpina Hotels, sustainability lies close to our heart, it also means responsibility and a sense of duty. Now, in co-operation with various partners, we have developed a special tool to calculate our CO2 footprint: each member undertakes to calculate these emissions annually in line with the “Climate Contribution Concept”, and to reduce them accordingly.
Avoiding plastic, saving water, climate-friendly power generation, reducing rubbish or food waste: all these are a matter of course, as are local cycles, regionality and promoting car-free holidays.
Reducing the ecological footprint is a top priority, one that Vitalpina hosts take into account in every decision they make.
Where emissions cannot be reduced, we support various social, economic or ecological projects in order to benefit nature and the environment, and to give something back.